
Compositores: Vedder/Ament/Gossard
Can’t know what’s high
Til you been down so low

The future’s bright 
Lit up with no where to go 

To and fro the pendulum throws

We are here and then we go 
My shadow left me long ago

Understand what we don’t know 
This might pass, this might last, this may grow

Easy come easy go 
Easy left me a long time ago

I’m in the fire, but I’m still cold
Nothing works, works for me anymore

To and fro the pendulum throws
To and fro the pendulum throws

To and fro
To and fro


Sobre el autor

Víctor D. S. G.
Cofundador de Estú a finales de 1999. Apasionado de la música rock en particular pero que no le hace ascos al folk, stoner, post-rock y cualquier otra variante. Instagram: @VitiSainz

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