Life Wasted

Artist: Pearl Jam
Composer: Pearl Jam

You’re always saying that there’s something wrong,…
I’m starting to believe it’s your plan all along,…

Death came around, forced to hear its song,…
And know tomorrow can’t be depended on.

I seen the home inside your head,…
All locked doors and unmade beds.
Open sores unattended
Let me say just once that

I have faced it,… A life wasted,…
I’m never going back again.

I escaped it,… A life wasted,..
I’m never going back again.

Having tasted,… A life wasted,…
I’m never going back again

The world awaits just up the stairs
Leave the pain for someone else.

Nothing back there for you to find,…
Or was it you, you left behind?

You’re always saying you’re too weak to be strong,…
You’re harder on yourself than just about anyone,…

Why swim the channel just to get this far?
Halfway there, why would you turn around?

Darkness comes in waves,… tell me,
why invite it to stay?

You’re warm with negativity,
Yes, comfort is an energy,…
But why let the sad song play?

I have faced it,… A life wasted,…
I’m never going back again.

Oh I escaped it,… A life wasted,…
I’m never going back again.

Having tasted,… A life wasted,…
I’m never going back again.

Oh I erased it,… A life wasted,…
I’m never going back again.


Sobre el autor

Víctor D. S. G.
Cofundador de Estú a finales de 1999. Apasionado de la música rock en particular pero que no le hace ascos al folk, stoner, post-rock y cualquier otra variante. Instagram: @VitiSainz

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