Artista: Pearl Jam Compositor: E. Vedder / M. McCready
Who’s got the brain of JFK? What’s it mean to us now? Oh, it’s sound insurance But I can tell you, this is no lie
The whole world will be different soon The whole world will be relieved The whole world will be different soon The whole world will be relieved
You, you’ve been taught Whipped into shape, now they got you in line Stand behind the stripes There will be order, so give it a good mind
The whole world will be different soon The whole world will be relieved The whole world will be different soon The whole world will be relieved
And by name The name they gave me The name I’m letting go
The whole world will be different soon The whole world will be relieved The whole world will be different soon The whole world will be relieved The whole world will be different soon…soon
Cofundador de Estú a finales de 1999. Apasionado de la música rock en particular pero que no le hace ascos al folk, stoner, post-rock y cualquier otra variante. Instagram: @VitiSainz
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