Big Wave

Artist: Pearl Jam
Composer: Pearl Jam

I used to be a crustacean
In an underwater nation
and I surf in celebration
Of a billion adaptations

Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave.
Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave.

I feel the need
Planted in me
Millions of years ago
Can’t you see
The oceans size?
Defining time
And tide
Arms laid upon me
Being so kind
To let me ride

I scream in affirmation
Of connecting dislocations
And exceeding limitations
Be achieving levitation

Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave.
Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave.

Got me a ride.
I got me a ride.


Sobre el autor

Víctor D. S. G.
Cofundador de Estú a finales de 1999. Apasionado de la música rock en particular pero que no le hace ascos al folk, stoner, post-rock y cualquier otra variante. Instagram: @VitiSainz

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